Pauline Wee
The Blog
Thoughts and lessons from my journey as a human being & product designer.
What I Learned from Interning at a Startup at 17
Lessons from sixteen months of being a Swarmie.
Why UX theory will fail in the real world
Getting practical with Talabat's Head of Product Design, Asmita Kunwar.
Grow your Design Career: Tips from Top-tier Designers
Accelerate your progress in product design with these strategies.
One must imagine Sisyphus happy
Thoughts on embracing life's meaninglessness.
Writing Better UX Copy
You’ve done the research, built the wireframes, and designed the final few screens— but wait! Have you checked the copy?
Lessons from Being A User Interview Noob
If you’re going to take up your user interviewee’s time, space, and mental energy, you better be prepared.